Keep feeding me pain. Shattering my heart more? Oh! I don't have any. Why bother??

Ked Flop just another dandy person.

Still a small voice who love to story-telling but massively change lately.
I no longer finding who's the freaking I am.
I'm Liza and sometimes I'm Ked, and I'm proud whoever I'm is.
P/s: I do not acknowledged any misunderstanding or miss-leading in any posts here. And I do not own any thought or brain. Use your brain wise, shut-up and listen/read more.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dragons Are Cute.

I love everything bout Dragon. 
A mystic creature. 
None of them real but...
they're cute.
As I ever said T-Rex cute.

Mencari dragon eggs.

Note from alliance, Darkness.

Dah sebelas kali attack lvl5 Lake tapi tak nampak rupa egg pun lg.
Lost about 500 armies. *sigh* Kept losing power by attack that lake.

Center of El City 

It's 'Ellania'

Nampak binatang kecik warna hijau tepi bangunan tinggi tu?
Tulah baby naga yg masih dlm jagaan dan baru dapat sayap.
Comei kan?


Main game nie tak gunakan bnyk tenaga macam main Squash, cuma guna bnyk masa sebb nak kena pantau times to times.

Jumpa kekwn dari luaq negara. Improving my English skill.
Having fun.
Increase logic skill.
Isi masa yg berlopang.

Oh. Nie game dlm fb. 
Sapa berminat boleh la search : Dragon of Atlantis.



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Bucket List

Rocking Job
1st Car
Hilux // Triton X
Learn to Cook
Learn to cook Malay, Italian cuisine
CBR 250cc
Kawasaki Ninja RZ
Go around a globe at 30
Settle down?

North-pole to South-pole