Keep feeding me pain. Shattering my heart more? Oh! I don't have any. Why bother??

Ked Flop just another dandy person.

Still a small voice who love to story-telling but massively change lately.
I no longer finding who's the freaking I am.
I'm Liza and sometimes I'm Ked, and I'm proud whoever I'm is.
P/s: I do not acknowledged any misunderstanding or miss-leading in any posts here. And I do not own any thought or brain. Use your brain wise, shut-up and listen/read more.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Susah la dok kat Malaysia yg suka naikkan kroni sendiri nie. Aku bukan nak story buruk, tapi dah mmg jadi depan mata. Mau saja aku memaki hamun di situ, tapi aku sedar diri aku nie org terpelajar dan jugak pempuan. Martabat mesti di jaga. Sabar Liza....aku mmg sabar....Nie buka first-time....takpa teruskan bersabar.

Dulu masa kecik2tak kecik mana pun sebenaqnya, aku dah nekad tak mo terlibat ngan politik apa semua nie bila besaq. Tapi aku silap besaq sebenaqnya, even masa aku belajaq pun, dah macam2 aku terlibat tapi aku boleh tolerance lagi. Aku pikir lepas U, everything gonna be fine. Ok, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.... Masuk tempat praktikal pun aku lalui dgn jayanya tapi bukan happy ending.....

Tolong la, where on earth ada human yg live happily-ever-after? NADA! Takda! Klu ada buktikan....Aku bukan jenis org yg -ve thinking, dak..akulah orang yang paling positif dalam bnyak-banyak orang, aku tak peduli apa orang kata pasai aku, aku survived my study ngan great result, aku banyak kekwn, tapi tang Malaysia politic aku sangta tak setuju. 
Life-politic: you have to lie to survive, you have to have kroni to live and maybe you have to kill others to be politician....Am I right?Maybe after this, aku akan dibunuh plak?

Don't  blame me!! This is what I've  read and learn from my childhood.


☆与王ㄗ王ㄒ☆ said...

why dear? what happen??

Liza@El@KedFlop said...

something happen..tehe...geram3....government suck!!

Bucket List

Rocking Job
1st Car
Hilux // Triton X
Learn to Cook
Learn to cook Malay, Italian cuisine
CBR 250cc
Kawasaki Ninja RZ
Go around a globe at 30
Settle down?

North-pole to South-pole