Keep feeding me pain. Shattering my heart more? Oh! I don't have any. Why bother??

Ked Flop just another dandy person.

Still a small voice who love to story-telling but massively change lately.
I no longer finding who's the freaking I am.
I'm Liza and sometimes I'm Ked, and I'm proud whoever I'm is.
P/s: I do not acknowledged any misunderstanding or miss-leading in any posts here. And I do not own any thought or brain. Use your brain wise, shut-up and listen/read more.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Best Wishes to All SPM Candidates

Buat adik2 sepupu aku dan jugak adik2 yg aku kenal yg akan ambik SPM this Nov 23.

All the best. This is your biggest exam in your life. Jgn stress sgt, chill sikit. Jgn tgk Tv sgt skrg nie, baca Kreko boleh tapi a few minutes saja ok?! 


El Note: Cee....gayak dah macam penceramah plak bagi nasihat apa semo. Adik2 semo, kakak nie dah lalui SPM. Hahhaah=3

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Bucket List

Rocking Job
1st Car
Hilux // Triton X
Learn to Cook
Learn to cook Malay, Italian cuisine
CBR 250cc
Kawasaki Ninja RZ
Go around a globe at 30
Settle down?

North-pole to South-pole